Word Nerd! has been updated to reflect the great input that I’ve received from the early adopters. And it has been moved to it’s new “forever” home.

Version 1.4.3, 12Apr2023

  • adds fixes for highlighting yellow/green tiles
  • adds word definiton to game over screen
  • adds analytics reset to menu
  • adds fixes for heat map on analytics screen
  • adds several bug fixes
  • adds logic to mimic Wordle’s tile indicators for duplicate letters
  • adds two new lifelines
    1. undo last guess (single-use per game)
    2. reveal letter (single-use per game)

Known Issues

  • easy, easier, easiest dictionaries need curating
  • no real intro / tutorial process for new players

Word Nerd was designed mobile-first, so it should work well on phone and desktop. There are even desktop applications for Windows and MacOS (not yet released).

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